Email drives business, but many local businesses are lousy at writing email subject lines that really work. There is hope, though. Check out these tips!
The folks over at Litmus are renowned for their expertise and data on successful email marketing. They recently wrote a GREAT article about myths that we all believe about email subject lines:
- Subject lines have the biggest impact on whether someone open an email –FALSE!
- Subject lines only impact email open rates – FALSE!
- The only goal of the subject line is to get people to open the email –FALSE!
- To get people to open, you have to use provocative and intriguing language – FALSE!
- The worst thing that can happen to an email is that it isn’t opened – FALSE!
- If an email isn’t opened, then it’s like no one ever saw it – FALSE!
While this article is written for bigger brands, the lessons about email subject lines definitely apply to local businesses as well. You can read all about these myths and what the truth really is over on the Litmus blog.
What You Should Do About Email Subject Lines
Definitely check out that blog post … and be sure to read to the end of the article to a section called, “The Truth About Email Subject Lines”. This could really revolutionize the way you think about your emails, how you write them, and what they should accomplish for you.