How a CRM Can Grow Your Local Business

How a CRM Helps Local Businesses

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A customer relationship management system (CRM) system tracks your company’s relationships with customers and prospective customers. Your email system could be considered a simple CRM. But a really good … and effective … CRM tracks not only email, but website history, telephone calls, live chat, sales history and much more.

In this session, Dwayne Vera shows how local businesses should use customer relationship management systems. The goal? A 360-degree view of your customers and prospects helps you better understand your customers and market to them. You can even trigger automated marketing processes to help alleviate your workload.

CRM technology is changing the landscape of business across the country. By leveraging this technology, smaller local businesses are now, more than ever, able to compete against large corporations.

In this video you’ll learn:

  • Why EVERY local business needs a customer relationship management system.
  • How to choose which CRM is best for you.
  • Tips on how to best use a CRM to grow your business.
Dwayne Vera
Dwayne Vera has worked with numerous start-ups and Fortune 500 companies, helping them to grow their bottom line through sales training, marketing automation, leadership, and consulting. Dwayne's focus has always revolved around the customer experience, allowing companies to experience organic growth. He founded, a personal shopping service for businesses. This free service allows business owners to leverage expertise in various industries, helping them to choose which products and services are the best fit for their unique needs.