The new Google My Business Agency Dashboard was released back in June of this year to help agencies better organize and manage a large number of listings. One of the challenges that agencies had when this first launched was how to get all the listings from dozens of separate accounts merged into one. Google just announced yesterday that they are launching a tool to help with this!
The migration tool shows up on the overview tab of the Google My Business agency dashboard at the bottom.
When you click the “Get Started” button it allows you to login to another Google My Business account and transfer all the locations from that account to your agency account in one step.
When we were doing this we ran into an issue because my employees all have their own Google accounts and I don’t want to know their passwords to login myself. If you’re in that situation, this is what you can do as a workaround.
- Create a new Gmail that everyone on your team will have access to.
- Add that Gmail as a member of your organization in the Google My Business agency dashboard.
- Have everyone login to that Gmail and click the migration tool that appears on the Overview tab and migrate their own accounts.
- Once this is done, they will all transfer to the agency dashboard since the Gmail is a member.
- Once you confirm the listings are all in the agency dashboard you can remove the Gmail as a user.
The other thing this migration tool accomplishes is that it easily allows organizations to add their employees to the agency dashboard. Previously, we ran into issues because all my employees had GMB listings in their Google accounts and in order for me to add them as members, they had to empty their entire account. This is not ideal since it can disconnect Google Ads Location Extensions and it can be time-consuming to manually remove yourself from dozens of listings. The migration tool solves this issue because they can simply migrate all their listings and select the option to remove the listings from their accounts in the same step.