Customer Reviews Are Easy To Gain Online

Customer Reviews with Get Five Stars

You know how customers are always telling you that your business is one-of-a-kind, in a good way?

Rather than ask them to go onto Google, Yelp, Yahoo, your website, and other places on line to put their customer reviews, make it easy on them. GetFiveStars has it all figured out and on this episode of LMI Talk, you’ll hear from the CEO of that innovative company about a simple way to make reviews and raves come to life.

Don Campbell has come up with a service that puts an extension on your website that’s easy to fill out. From there, the good news about your company gets populated on line in all the right places.

Besides hearing about how the little tool works, also hear from Don about what a company can and must do to gain genuine appreciation in their day-to-day customer service. He’s seen the good, the bad and the ugly in customer service and he tells our content director, Laurie Macomber, what makes a company get those coveted five stars of favorability and recognition.

This one pesky problem – of getting customers to put their raves in writing – has now been solved. Listen and learn about how to get a leg up on the local competition by making your business stand out via easy to publish testimonials. Search engines will take notice and so will your prospects.

LMI Talk: Customer Reviews with Don Campbell of Get Five Stars

Please visit for more information

Resource: Tips for responding to reviews

Eric Shanfelt
Eric is the Founder and CEO of Local Marketing Institute. He has 25 years of experience in digital marketing and has been the Chief Digital Officer for several B2B and consumer media companies. Eric has a passion for local businesses and focuses on practical digital strategies to help them attract more customers, build customer loyalty, and grow their business.