5 Tips for Encouraging Customer Referrals

word of mouth marketing

One great way to grow your local business is through word of mouth marketing. People trust their friends’ recommendations and are likely to visit your local business as a result of a peer’s good shopping experience.

Bernadette Coleman came out with 5 tips for encouraging word of mouth marketing, including:

  1. Reward Referrals
  2. Make The Process Easy
  3. Offer After-Sale Incentives
  4. Say “Thank You”
  5. Just Ask!

Bernadette Coleman’s article can be found here.

Eric Shanfelt
Eric is the Founder and CEO of Local Marketing Institute. He has 25 years of experience in digital marketing and has been the Chief Digital Officer for several B2B and consumer media companies. Eric has a passion for local businesses and focuses on practical digital strategies to help them attract more customers, build customer loyalty, and grow their business.